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PirateWrapTalk about being becalmed and late to the partay. I apologize for not posting prior to today, me hearties, but here’s to a belated Merry Christmas!

Santa Pirate

Talk about finding light in dark times! While taking on shipboard duties, I re-injured meself during Thanksgiving by tearing muscle away from my August back neck surgery incision. Told to take it easy for a few weeks, I re-tore the muscle again preparing for Christmas duties. Again, I was told to take it easy, to look at the holidays as one big vacation. Say what? Imagine that! Quite hard to do when you’ve still got a Christmas tree to put up, decorations to add, lights to install on the house, cookies to bake, presents to wrap, and so on… Not to mention bootay to pilfer.

What’s a pirate to do? Install a peg for this? LOL!!!

2013 Christmas TreeIn the end, my Christmas tree didn’t go up until 2 days before Christmas. (We finished decorating it at 1:45 a.m. on Christmas Eve and then had to spend all day Christmas Eve wrapping gifties.) Add to that a Christmas Day filled with baking cookies and cinnamon rolls. No holiday pics of me and me crew, sadly. I’m beat, friends, and actually looking forward to quiet time aboard this vessel whilst the New Year saunters in.

Meanwhile… (Forgive this moment of gloom.) My computer died. (Cue drum salute!) Said computer had to be taken to them what knows how to fix it. My rogue and I feared there’d been true piracy afoot and that sabatage had been the order of the day. And yet, here I sit, writing on said machine. I’m very happy to report a virus doesn’t seem to have been the culprit!!! Indeed ~ a light in the darkness emerged!!!

2013-Light-Darkness[1]In the midst of all this tomfoolery, there was light. I was a part of the fantastic Light in the Darkness Blog Hop. What a great day! (Though I couldn’t truly enjoy it confined to my Droid.) I hope you got the chance to hop and visit every blog listed on that loop. You can find the links in my previous post. So many wonderful blogs about finding light in the darkness. (I owe a debt of gratitude to Helen Hollick for taking the helm on this one.) Yes, me hearties! Light is more powerful than darkness, no matter the situation you find yourselves in ~ like sabotage or peg necks…

There’s always time to partay, isn’t there? Who needs a reason? And so, without further delay, I give you the winner of my blog post, Admiral Nelson ~ A Light in Dark Times… commence drum roll… Lady Marsha!!!!

Thank you for posting, Marsha! You’re the new owner of a $10 Amazon gift card, which is on it’s way to you. Enjoy your search for treasure, m’dear!

As the New Year saunters in on a rum-induced haze, complete with streamers and music and roaring good cheer, I wish ye all the best of times, whether they be dark or light, chilled or balmy, painful or pain-free. Blessings to ye all, me hearties! You deserve it to walk in light and to celebrate!!!

“Make sure the rum isn’t gone, luv,” Jack suggests.

Santa and Treasure Map2014 offers a clean slate of possibilities. I, for one, plan to take advantage of it. I’m making plans for a productive 12 months ahead. Will be sharing great news soon! Until then, Santa still has his treasure map and plans to continue distributing stores of rum for all and all for rum!

He’s a jolly good lad, isn’t he?

How was your Christmas? What was your favorite giftie? I scored a Kindle Fire 7″ HDX. Woot!!!